Fashion-Savvy Adventurer: How to Select Jewelry for Travel

As you know, Vannucci jewelry is all about adventure!  Almost all of the jewelry I create is inspired by a beautiful or fun place I've been in nature.  I take that concept, or color palette, and translate it into intricate gemstone jewelry, for those who live in color!!

When it comes to YOUR travel, selecting the right jewelry pieces can elevate your style game while adding a touch of elegance to your outfits. Whether you're embarking on a tropical getaway, cultural exploration, or camping around national parks (I still wear jewelry when I'm in nature!), having versatile and durable jewelry is key. In this post, I'll guide you through the best jewelry to pack for your travels, focusing on pieces that match various outfits and offer gemstone combinations that effortlessly complement your style. Plus, I'll highlight jewelry suitable for water activities - such as excluding pearls and delicate opals.

  1. Simplicity meets Versatility: One idea when traveling, is to choose jewelry that can be easily worn with different outfits because of its simplicity. Opting for minimalist yet chic pieces, such as necklaces with simple pendants (like the Petite Moon Necklace) or elegant hoop earrings (like the Herkimer Encrusted Gold Earring), can effortlessly transition from beach glam to dinner elegant. These timeless classics blend seamlessly with a variety of clothing styles, ensuring you always have a full 'fit put together without the need for packing several pieces that have a high chance of getting tangled.

  2. A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: To maximize versatility, consider selecting jewelry with multiple gemstones that complement a multitude of colors and outfits. Gemstone combinations with a wide range of stones to match outfits include pieces from The Grotto Collection, or try the Alpine Wildflower Collection.  This type of collection offers a beautiful array of hues that can effortlessly match various wardrobe choices. These vibrant gemstone combinations can ensure your jewelry coordinates with a multitude of outfits.

  3. Durable Delights for Water Activities: If your travel itinerary includes water-based adventures, it's crucial to choose jewelry that can withstand the elements. While pearls and opals are delicate and susceptible to damage in water - but there are numerous alternatives that are perfect for your aquatic escapades. Gemstones are actually numbered by their hardness, which is called the Mohs Scale.  A quick google search will tell you the hardness of the stone in question, and as long as it is a 6 or higher, you're probably good to go.  Leave home anything that has "-ite" in the name, such as fluorite - these gems are soft, and susceptible to water damage.  Last, no gemstones with copper in them, like pyrite.  They could rust!

  4. Statement Pieces: No travel wardrobe is complete without a statement piece or two that captures the essence of your destination. Even when I have rustic van trip planned, I always have a great set of earrings - you just never know where life takes you!  Try the Koi Crown Earrings or the Cascading Falls Necklace, if earrings aren't your thing.

As you embark on your adventures, you don't need to overpack jewelry to get the right look throughout the trip. Remember to opt for versatile pieces that can complement a variety of outfits, possibly featuring gemstone combinations that match a multitude of outfits. When engaging in water activities, prioritize durable jewelry options that can withstand the elements, avoiding soft gemstones below 6 on the mohs scale. And finally, consider adding a few statement pieces to showcase your wanderlust and capture the spirit of your destination. With the right jewelry, you'll be able to travel in style and create lasting memories wherever your journey takes you. Safe travels!

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